Saturday, July 5, 2014

Introduction Revised

The angel fell to the ground weeping. She was full of grief, of love, of loss. A sound escaped her lips like a wounded and dying animal. She was just that. The weight of her knowledge oppressed her mind and soul. She knew too much, of that she was sure.
His body lay crumpled in the tall grass next to where she fell. Red stains were spreading like fire blooming across his white shirt. He never wore white; she thought as she lay in the grass inches from him. The look on his face was burned into her mind. He looked so peaceful and happy. She clamped her eyes shut again and felt her chest shake and catch as the weight of the night air pressed upon her. She felt sure that she could not continue to breathe.

She heard the crunch of the devil’s shoes upon the railroad tracks. He was laughing in a soft but merry sort of way. Her back was to him but every cell in her body screamed at him. This was his fault… no… it was hers. Flashes of anger and sorrow hit her again pounding her like a storm and pulling her heart down into her stomach.
“Get up.” He commanded.
She ignored him and lay there staring at her love.
‘I command thee to get up.” He repeated.
She felt her body jerk and twist. “No!” she screamed at him. “I will not do thy bidding Devil!”
He threw his head back and laughed from deep in his belly.
“Oh my love. But you just did.” He smiled and stepped up to her. The devil picked her up by her shoulders and stood over her. He smelled of earth and fire. It was far from being unpleasant, a compelling fragrance that was as retched as he was. The cuff of his blue pants just touched the flesh of her love’s hand. A black stain spread from that spot and spread deep into his cold skin. She turned her head into the devil’s chest to keep from seeing it.
The devil smelled her hair and slid his hands down her arms from her shoulders to her wrists. He spun her around as a gentleman would while waltzing with a fine lady. His arm slipped around her waist as she heard the metal chains tinkle like tiny bells. It should be alarming her that he was slowly binding her hands and feet but with each caress of his hands she felt her emotions draining. It was as if her heart had died on the grass with her love’s and she had cried her life out with each tear. Now she stood an empty shell bound and about to be led off to hell.

“Ah my love. This is always my favorite part of our dance. These moments when you are whole again and know me. These moments when I touch you and you know that I own you. I love the smell of lavender on your skin and in your dark hair. How your eyes flash green with despair and sorrow. It’s a pity that we never get enough time to fully enjoy this.” He leaned in and pressed her lips with his. He lingered and left black smoke trails where he kissed her. 
‘You know what happens now. Hold out your hand angel and kiss me goodbye again.” He brought her hand palm up, tilted her chin and kissed her deeply. She whimpered and took one last glance at her love. She had to remember his face. She had to remember how she got here and what she did. The devil bends over her love and they are auddenly both gone.
The angel stands alone in a field near railroad tracks. A solitary figure standing in the moonlight in a thin nightgown. Her dark hair whips in the wind. Her hand is stretched out, palm up ready to receive.
The shock of lighting striking her hand is amazing. Her assignment is given to her. A mission she must not fail at. 
His face is burned into her sight. She gasps at the image. He seems so familiar yet she has no real memory of him. It's clear and crisp. This is the man she is supposed to save.
A shiver travels down her spine and she feels a dark chill. Darkness has touched this man and she has little time left. She runs to her black horse waiting by the wooden fence posts. She pats her bags checking the tethers holding them. Tightening her grip, she vaults into her saddle urging him into motion. This would be a long ride to find him.

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